What does it take to achieve your goal?

If you are one of those people who are used to “doing it yourself”, you've got to use your discernment here. Before you schedule a session with me, ask God this question: Am I able, with God's power, to reach the place where I want to stand victorious one day? And if with God as your Helper, and with all of your strength and courage, experience and knowledge, you feel it would be better to ask for help, take the first step and schedule a complimentary session with me. Together with you, and with God, we will seek the answer to the question: "Why do I want to reach this goal and what do I really need now?"

My clients have asked for coaching and received help in
  • Overcoming internal crisis,
  • Coping with stress, anxiety, emotional instability, burnout
  • Making complex decisions
  • Finding a work/rest balance
  • Establishing a healthy lifestyle, self-discipline, goals, time management
  • Renewing family relationships, conflict resolutions
  • Dealing with losses, restoring the meaning of life
  • Character development, behavioral change
  • Spiritual growth, creating an intimacy with God
Frequently asked questions
Do I need a coach?
If you are still unsure whether you need a coach, a psychologist or some other specialist of supporting professions, schedule a complimentary session. This way, you can quickly get answers to your questions about what type of professional help is best for your situation.
Schedule a complimentary session
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